Strategic Business Services


Business transactions today must contend with many nonfinancial risks and opportunities. Parties to these transactions must understand and manage significant political, policy, stakeholder, and CSR issues.

Our interdisciplinary approach is ideal for managing these risks and opportunities-whether in a cross-border or domestic transaction.


Foreign Investment Reviews

Many cross-border transactions are subject to governmental oversight and review, including in the US via the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). We provide strategic advice regarding such transactions.


Regulatory Risks

A wide variety of political, legislative, and regulatory issues may be implicated by complex international transactions and investments. We are prepared to guide our clients through these challenges. 


Third Parties

Various governments and nongovernmental stakeholders can have a significant impact on transactions, particularly where competition, social, environmental, and public policy issues are involved.  Our strategies enable our clients to navigate these challenges. 

